Reason my footer is less than exciting

I have a bad procrastination habit so I had to put a clock in my footer. I only say that b/c I have an appt that I’m going to be late for and I just realized it b/c of the clock. Time to bounce :bounce:

ooh…so that’s what it’s for. :wink:

Thats a good idea…

Speaking of which, maybe I should think about sleep.

Kirupa won’t like this, it reminds people what they should be doing instead of posting. He’ll set his dogs onto you :bad:

  • Soul :s:

Speaking of… what’s the total post count up to now? Is there a way to find out?

*Originally posted by Soul *
**Kirupa won’t like this, it reminds people what they should be doing instead of posting. He’ll set his dogs onto you :bad:

  • Soul :s: **

That is why they don’t have clocks or windows in the casinos in Vegas. :p:

Lol, at my mall, they have these lights that come down so you think it’s always daytime when you’re in the mall, and all the watch shops don’t show the right time. :stuck_out_tongue:
