Hey, longtime no see…
Does anyone know of an easy way to get messages from my cell phone voicemail to my PC? I get some of the funniest messages left by my drunk mates and I want to be able to collect them.
Hey, longtime no see…
Does anyone know of an easy way to get messages from my cell phone voicemail to my PC? I get some of the funniest messages left by my drunk mates and I want to be able to collect them.
That’s really the only way I can think of
That’s a good idea but I would like it to be the best quality possible.
If all else fails I will go with your idea.
The problem is that the voicemail messages aren’t on your cellphone itself. Coz if they were, as files, you could’ve just gotten a infrared-usb thingy or bluetooth-usb thing to hook up to your computer, and then transfer the files (I have such a thing, but I have a Nokia 7650 which can transfer files between pc and phone.)
But since the messages probably aren’t on your cellphone itself, I don’t really know any other way to transport them
But hey, I wish you the best of luck and maybe some other brighter than me person will figure it out :thumb:
I was just looking at MSN instant messenger and it has an option to phone from your PC. If I call my cell phone from my PC I can record at the same time. Sounds good… So when I tried it, it said that this service isn’t ready yet!
On my office phone I have Hands free. I will try and hook that up to a recorder.
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