Dear Kirupa members,
Can anyone teach me how to do a timer to redirect the page in browser by using flash action script? Your reply will be kindly appreciate.
Best Regards,
Dear Kirupa members,
Can anyone teach me how to do a timer to redirect the page in browser by using flash action script? Your reply will be kindly appreciate.
Best Regards,
im actually developing a kiosk program. when the user stop moving the mouse on the screen for 30 second. the current page will automatically back to main page. Im using flash mx. i already using getTimer() function. The problem is that how im i going to detect the mouse movement. if the mouse move the timer will start to count again until the user not doing anything or idle for 30 second. please helps
u can set AS with an event handler
get timer()
this should give u the time elapsed since the last mouse move
and hence u can set if ==30 sec(ur time limit){
(perform action)
i think this should be of some help to you.
i have tried the code but i cant make it work. on (mouseMove) event handler need to be in button. Can u send me a working FLA? thank you.
seconds = 30;//how many seconds of inactivity
function screenSaver() {
//actions to be performed if the idle
//time is equal to the value of seconds
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
elapsedTime = Math.floor(getTimer()/1000-initial);
if(elapsedTime == seconds){
this.onMouseMove = function() {
initial = getTimer()/1000;
Thanks claudio & tulika. Its helps a lot. Thank You.
It’s ok Clement. Thanks to claudio.
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