ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property ... on flash

Hello all,

Here is a specific problem I am facing most of the time; let me try to explain with an example.

Say I create a shape, and I want to move it with a ENTER_FRAME event, like this:

    public function makeShape(){            
        var myShape=new Shape();
    public function moveMyShape (event:Event) {

It is cool up to here.
But what if I want to pass a variable with my shape to the event function. Say my shape has a no or a name or anything like a data; so I rewrite the code;

    public function makeShape(){            
        var myShape=new Shape();
    public function moveMyShape (event:Event) {

And now I get the error code,
"Cannot create property thisShapesNo on flash.shape… "
OK, I understand that, but it is not fair. Anything you create with a code can have a property you want to dub or add on it, and you should call it anytime you like.
I learned that there are 2 ways to get around it, but both of them are extra work for the code, and I don’t like to spend that precious memory for a cheap error like this.
First one is to add the shape as a child to a movieclip, I use this most of the time and goes like this:

    public function makeShape(){            
         var myShape=new Shape();
var myClip=new MovieClip();
     public function moveMyShape (event:Event) {

See the extra workload… And the other way (and I’ve never tried) is to write your own event function where you can pass variables… I guess something like this:

myShape.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveMyShape, 50 );

So it seems like this is another extra workload for the code.
And so here is my question: How can I add a you-name-it property to any thing I’ve created in AS3?
