Hey all…
Within my org. we have a set of variables that we can use within our .asp forms that are stored on a DB but can be called within our forms. Basically when a user longs into their machine and opens up one of our html/asp forms their user information Name/department/title/phone/branch address are auto populated within the ‘profile’ section at the top of the form. Below is an example of the code used:
<td width=“450”><input name=“UserName” type=“text” id=“UserName” value="<%=g_emp_fullname%>" size=“50” maxlength=“100”>
Instead of building forms via html/asp I would like to try and build a ‘smart’ form via flash and pass all of the variables collected to a processessing .asp page that generates the email.
What I can’t figure out is how to, within flash, reference the…**value="<%=g_emp_fullname%>" ** , within the Flash form fields so the values come up.
I would like Flash to auto-recognize the values just like my .asp page did.
Any ideas on code referencing within Flash is greatly appreciated as always!!