i have a number of movieclips already on my stage.
i need to apply the exact same tween to them using a set interval.
for the moment i’ve plugged their instance names into an array but when i use the setInterval the Tween is not referencing the actual movieclip on stage – because the variable i set is just a string and is not connected to that corresponding movieclip.
does anyone have any advice?
here’s what i’ve got:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
//set the variables for the interval
var intervalId:Number;
var count:Number = 0;
var max:Number = 47;
var duration:Number = 100;
//create array to fill in the following loop
movieClips = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i<48; i++){
//create the vars for the object
var instance = "t"+i;
var tween = instance+", '_y', Strong.easeOut, 100, 0, 1, true"
//create the object
var obj = new Object();
obj.instance = instance;
obj.tween = tween;
//push the obj vars into array
function animateMC():Void {
//create the tween to move the mc's
new Tween(movieClips[count].tween);
//if we've reached t47, clear the interval
if(count >= max) {
//increase the count var by 1 each interval
intervalId = setInterval(this, "animateMC", duration);