Referring to Movieclip in Array Using Names

I am writing a program where I have used multiple movieclips (boxes) that are put into a grid using a nested for loop.

Each movieclip is in an array and I want to give them names (box1, box2, e.t.c) but when I try to trace() them i get this in the output: “[object gridBox]”.

Here’s my code:

var gridBoxArray:Array = new Array()

var rows:int = 6
var columns:int = 6
for (var a = 0; a < rows; a++){
 for (var b = 0; b < columns; b++){
  var newGridBox:MovieClip = new gridBox()
  newGridBox.x = a * (newGridBox.width)
  newGridBox.y = b * (newGridBox.height)
  gridBoxArray.push(newGridBox) = "box" + gridBoxArray.index

Can anyone help?

