:: I have this thing in flash set up where you can type something in. Only by pressing send, it’s sent to a txt file. Flash needs to read the data, and print out the vars --> This only happens after pressing the button.
Is it possible to load the vars from a file called data.php without having to press send? Thus, loading the text manually…
If this can be done using php, tell me. If this can be done using actionscript, tell me also.
*Originally posted by Sharif *
[B- Is it possible to load the vars from a file called data.php without having to press send? Thus, loading the text manually…
of course you dont need to a button event for that, just put your loadVars code anywhere in your timeline :-\
You use the same method as you are using with the button, but instead of triggering it on a button event, trigger it on a frame that you want it to get loaded.
Well, Yes, I know that, but I want it to constantly load. Cause this will be used for a chatroom. I hate putting the loadVars code on a keyframe and making it come back to the keyframe over and over again, thus opening the data.php file rapidly and wasting my bandwidth.
I can’t get FlashComm. Sephiroth only holds 7-8 people max and then gets slow. XML I can’t do. Phpforflash.com…didn’t find a chat anywhere but their forums is awesome…Flashbuilder’s phatchat - MYSQL? No. The rest…well, slow. I know I’m complaining but I need this thing to be effective and fast. My site will rely all on flash.