removeChild is not working for me here, and I’ve tried try/catch, to no avail.
Any suggestions, please?
what happens is a timer is kicked off, the counter counts 10 secons and fires off a rotate picture function. The rotate picture function is supposed to display 7 pictures in sequence, starting with 1.jpg, then 2.jpg, etc…
All the images are loading, but I can’t get it to unload the previous image before loading the next one.
I’ve tried removeChild, unload();, try/catch, etc… this is the basic part of the code that loads the images…
var picloader:Loader = new Loader();
addChild (picloader);
if(_picDisplayed < numOfImages+1){
picloader.load( new URLRequest("put any url with pictures here"));
picloader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, pictureLoaded);