removeChild / custom class help

First let me say that I am really new to OOP/AS3, so if there is something I’m trying to do that is completely wrong, please let me know. Also, I am not looking for anyone to type code for me (unless necessary to illustrate a point), this is more of a ‘common practice’/‘the correct way to do it’ kind of question.

What I am trying to do is use a Main class to create laser instances using the Lasers class. Inside the Main class I have a laserContainer Sprite that the laser instances are added to, using laserContainer.addChild(new Laser()), on the MOUSE_DOWN event.

I know I could easily use laserContainer.removeChildAt(depthOfLaserToRemove) from within the Main class to remove the laser once it is no longer needed. The problem I am having is that inside the Laser class it has an ENTER_FRAME Event that controls the lasers movement, as well as, ricochets the laser if it collides with something at the correct angle; after the laser has been told to ricochet it needs to be removed a short time later.

Essentially, I need to be able to remove the laser instance from within the Main class as well as in the Laser class, preferably using a public function within the Laser class called “remove”.

Is this the correct way to dynamically create Laser instances or am I way off base here? Do I need some sort of LaserController class?