
Hi all, I think removeChild() is the most confusing thing in my life at the moment when it really shouldnt be.

I’m dynamically adding a set of mc’s on the stage, im tweening them from alpha 0 to 1 with tweenlite, I then have a button to remove the items in reverse, but for some reason I can seem to get my head around tweening them back to alpha 0 in reverse order.

I can remove them from the stage with removeChildAt(0), but I would like the animation. Any one have any solutions for this.

I have attached the code and a test file =]

Thank you

import gs.TweenLite;
import gs.easing.*;

var boxCount:int = 6; // Set how many boxes are needed

var _box : box_mc ; // declare the new box_mc

initMenu(); // Call the function 

function initMenu()
	// Loop through the boxCount to create the MC's
	for( var i:uint = 0 ; i < boxCount ; i++ )
		_box = new box_mc; // declare the box
		_box.y = 40; // Set y positions
		_box.x = 40 + ( i * 20 ); // Set x positions
		_box.alpha = 0; // Set the alpha for the box to be 0 _box , .5, { alpha : 1 , delay : i /2 }); // Tween the boxes from 0 to 1, with a delay to stagger them = i.toString();  // Give the box a unique name
		stage.addChildAt(_box , 0); // Add the box to the stage

remove_btn.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK , removeMenu );

function removeMenu( $event : MouseEvent )
	for ( var a:uint = 0 ; a < boxCount ; a ++ )
	{ _box , .5, { alpha : 0 , delay : a / 2 }); // Tween the box to 0, ( THIS DOESNT WORK)
		stage.removeChildAt(0); // Remove the children