RemoveEventListener, Base Class

I have a class “BaseMenu”, which, needless to say, is a base class to menus that have eventlisteners.

When I trigger the function to remove the menu itself, I don’t know how to remove these eventlisteners, since their respective functions are in the extended classes, not in “BaseMenu”.

What should I do?


		public function BaseMenu() 
			this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
			alpha = 0;
			y = 400;
		public function unload(loadMe:BaseMenu = null) : void
			if (loadMe != null)
				loadNext = loadMe;, 0.7, { transformMatrix: { y:-stage.stageHeight }, onComplete: remove} );, 1.7, {autoAlpha:0});
		public function remove() : void
                        // I would like to remove all eventlisteners from "this"
			dispatchEvent(new Event("menuRemoved"));	
			if (stageRef.contains(this))
			if (loadNext != null) 
