Removing event listeners

Hi, I’m new here and I need a bit of help with a problem; removing the following event listener.
Heres the code.

    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    public class Sword extends MovieClip
        public function Sword()
        function eFrame(event:Event):void

This part works fine. The swords are stuffed into a movie clip on the main timeline. The variable currentSword is a public variable declared on the main document class.

Normally I would simply remove the event listener right before removing the sword. The issue is that it’s not going to be removed with code. The swords are for my animator to mess around with. The swords are placed directly into the symbol containing the animation. Also the animation will use quite a lot of them so I don’t want to give them all a instance name and manually delete all of the event listeners unless that really is the only option.

As always I must end my inquiry with the line:
plz halp?