Removing EventListeners using a for loop

I have 20 buttons on my stage, and rather then have ‘removeEventListener’ for each button, i wanted to use a loop to do so. Heres what i have done.

//array containing the buttons instance names.
var soundArray:Array = new Array();
var buttonsOnArray:Array = new Array();

//event listener for the button i wish to turn off once its selected.
mainHold.Bass1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, soundSelected);

//this function is called once the button is clicked, so i want it to disable whatever button was clicked

function soundSelected(evt:MouseEvent):void{
    soundArray.push(;//pushes the filename into a playlist array.
    buttonsOnArray.push(;//pushes the instance names of the buttons 'on'.
    trace ("PlayList = "+soundArray);
    trace ("Buttons On are ="+buttonsOnArray);
    //trace (;
    for (var i:int = 0; i < buttonsOnArray.length; i++)
        buttonsOnArray*.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, soundSelected);


However this doesnt seem to work, it still keeps the button as active, basically each button adds a filename (that i have assigned to it) to a playlist array (soundArray), but i only want it to add it once.

Please help im going mad.
