Removing external swf

Could someone help a newbie?

I’m trying to use various buttons for navigation on webpage. Having problems removing a swf that would have been added by a loader. The container mc can be removed but the swf added to it just stays. I read other topics on this subject but I don’t understand where to put the removal events. If anyone has some typical code snippet…

//  everything down through the imageLoaded() function works as it is suppossed to

blogNewsMC.x = 228;
blogNewsMC.y = 85;
var blogLoader:Loader;
		function loadImage(url:String):void 
			blogLoader = new Loader();
			blogLoader.load(new URLRequest(url));
		blogLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded);

		function imageLoaded(e:Event):void 
			fadeInTween = new Tween(blogNewsMC, "alpha", None.easeNone, 0, 1, 2, true);
			blogLoader.removeEventListener("COMPLETE", imageAlreadyLoaded);
// here is the first question. Is this the right way to write the Removers. As is written, does this do any real removing? I get errors with the unloadAndStop()	
		function imageAlreadyLoaded():void

one other thing, I can get the blogNewsMC and it’s loaded swf to not be visible by setting their visible property to false upon other navigational button presses. Problem with this rather inelegant solution is the not-removed swf simply reloads over itself when made visible again. Maybe I should use a conditional that checks to see if the swf has loaded and if so, skip the loadImage function.

	function loadImage(url:String):void 
			blogLoader = new Loader();
			blogLoader.load(new URLRequest(url));
		        blogLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded);

	if(blogNewsMC.content == !null)  //<-----------------??????How do you write this correctly?

if this is something that would work, how do you phrase the if condition to check to see if the swf has been loaded already so it won’t continue to reload over itself?

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help…