Rendering and Adding Texture/Color/Designs in Maya 5

Hi guys,

Yes the multi-talented, the one you all love to see (yea right), just got Maya 5 from his beloved father :hugegrin:.

I’m starting to like Maya and I’m a little used to some stuff.

Well I’m a beginner…and I want to know:

  1. Do you guys know a tutorial on how to render your final work in all types of formats? Like the full animation, or just one frame, or in CLAY form as some of you see online…and I also want to know how to render in like quicktime (.mov) format and stuff to publish on the net and/or edit in AE.

  2. How do I add texture and stuff to my final model…If I make something…how do I add color to a certain side, or some fur or some texture, or some clay texture…

If you guys can gimme 2 or more tutorials on how to do each, I’d be grateful and start some work to show you guys :hugegrin:. Thanks a lot.

Here is what I mean by clay: