Req: Image in ToolTip help - Urgent

Hello guys,
I need a script or explaination or example of a image in move over tooltip.
i have a assignment in which i have some buttons and when we mouse hover it i want to show a box appeared in which i want to show a image.

have a look to this one
here is the example in javascript/html of what i want in flash.
put your moouse on any image you will get a box with image showing same thing i want in flash not nessecerely the same image in tooltip box.

please guys do it fast i need this tomorrow. plz plz plz

thanks in advance…

you should look at this site

look at the source code. Where he puts the tooltip text, you can simply put <img> tags in

thanks for help but i need this to be done in flash.


Yeh that is what i want but i want to show a image in toltip and i dont know how to do it.

well just read that tutorial properly then substitute the dynamic text box with an empty mc that loads an image into it :smiley:

using something like

on (rollOver) {
    _root.x = 1;
on (rollOut) {
    _root.x = 0;

hey matthewjumps,

is it working with you?? can you show me the swf file ???
I am not able to do it… not working with me.

i dont have a swf file - i just offered a suggestion :expressionless:

post a link to your and ill see what i can do

here is the url of the zip file. sorry the size was bigger so uploaded to YSI

okey now i attached a zip file. see there is a picture of 3 guys and i made a transparent button on each of their face. then what i want is a tooltip or box with their images and maybe few words also whenever we mouse over their faces.

ok looking now

loading images and unloading images on rollover is not best option
it takes some time
preload images(or you can export them in first frame with linkage or you can put them on scene but out of view), hide them / mc._visible = false;
onRollOver put _x and _y of mc’s on right place and unhide them
onRollOut hide images

p.s. why the hack 800x537 image is 2mb big ??? compress it better and you would be able to share it faster

so rename button one to movieclip named guy1 and put tooltip1 image on scene somewhere out of scene or preload it

[AS]guy1.onRollOver = function() {
tooltip1._visible = true;
tooltip1._x = _xmouse;
tooltip1._y = _ymouse;
guy1.onRollOut = function() {
tooltip1._visible = false;

you havent done anything.

try and make that tutorial like i said, but making the caption the size to hold the image you want - then substitute the dynamic text box that the tut says to make with an empty movie clip called image_mc that loads an image into it.

then put the 3 images you want to use into the same folder as your flash and use

on (rollOver) {
    _root.x = 1;
on (rollOut) {
    _root.x = 0;

[FONT=Courier New][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][/FONT]
on the buttons instead of the code the tut says - obviusly renaming the image reference to point to the right thing.

once youve got all that set up - then if its still not working i will make it work for you. u learn by doing man :wink:

gvozden if u look at the example he posted at the top - from template monster - it loads them in. Im just trying to replicate that. if he wants a loader i can help him with that after.

gvozden, can you make an example of what you are saying… just a little example. use your own images. but i need to show a image in the mouse rollover box.
thanks a lot

so u dont want the images in the captions to be loaded from an external source?

sorry my bad :stuck_out_tongue:

id still say its better to do that tut yourself and work from there - but hey ill do it for you :smiley:


okey matthewjumps,

i have just done what that tutorial said… it shows a caption box but not the images i put in same folder with flash file. please check it… i changed the code also. and replaced the image names also but dont know what is the problem.

plz check it.

No i dont have any problem in loading images from outside also. can we do it from outside also.


i posted it for you. the fla - its post 15 - just download it and work it out…that fla has them embedded in…so you want one that loads external stuff too?

Wow… that is what i was looking for… can you explain it more to me… btw i have checked the fla also and its pretty nice change…

one more thing. can we do it from images outside the fla/swf file as you said it earlier. image1.jpg , image2.jpg … etc

ok. i will make it for you. this is bad cause u dont really know how it works - but i am too lazy to explain it :stuck_out_tongue: