Requesting a game programmer

Hi, I’m macros247. An amateur animator and artist, who is trying to make a game.

Quite simply, I’m looking for a programme, who can turn the sprites I have made into a game. I would like someone quite experienced, who I can consult as well rely upon to do the work at a decent pace.

Here’s an example of the artwork that would be used in the game 5274_Mustang.swf 5343_Offroader.swf 5370_Convertable.swf

I can’t pay up front, however I feel the idea I have come up with is incredibly unique, and really taps into an area of the market thats sorely lacking.
The ultimate goal of this project is to get it developed on iPhones and iTouches. Money would also come from sponsorship that I would look for from ArmorGames or Kongregate.

If you’re remotely interested in making some money, and feel like trusting a newbie then please email me at [email protected]
Alternatively add my msn address (this is embarresing XD ) [email protected]
I was young and foolish alright!

Thanks for reading and hope to get a response :slight_smile: