Requesting Name Change

Hear-ye Hear-ye.

After much tooing and froing, i have decided to change my username. Aussie Devil was an old 14yr old type screen name i thought up, and frankly im sick of it. After much discussion, and research i have decided on the name phorte. Being a mixture of forte (n) Something in which a person excels. and i bit of hip phonetic spelling/silent letters in. (Isnt it funny how phonetic isnt spelt phonetically?? bit like abbreviations being such a long word). What exactly i am excelling in, im not sure (maybe excell itself :trout:) So yes, if a mod would be so kind as to fix that up for me. And yes, i understand, a “Formally Aussie Devil”, in my signature is necessary.

So for the record, i would like my user name, all legal documents, drivers licence and passport etc changed to:



-Soon to be phorte. Formally aussie devil.

Btw is this the right forum? There didnt sound like anywhere else it should go??