Reset vars in penner's functions


i am builiding a photogallery where at each stage i load six thumbnails. Each “placeholder” is initially set to 20% xscale and yscale and when each thumb has fully loaded, i want to have the thumb tween from 20% to 80%. The jpg thumbs are loaded inside the placeholder.

when the thumb has fully loaded, goodToGo = 110 and so i want to trigger the AS tween.

now the problem i have is resetting t variable for each thumb:

//load in the first 6 movies
//set initial scale of holders to 20%
for (var i = 1; i<=6; i++) {
	this["thumb"+i+"MainHolder"]._xscale = 20;
	this["thumb"+i+"MainHolder"]._yscale = 20;
t = 0;
w = 0;
duration1 = 70;
duration2 = 80;
initValue = 20;
changeValue = 50;
function scaleUp(mc) {
	mc._xscale = Math.easeOutQuint(t, initValue, changeValue, duration1);
	mc._yscale = Math.easeOutQuint(t, initValue, changeValue, duration1);
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
	if (thumb1MainHolder.thumbHolder.goodToGo == 110) {
	if (thumb2MainHolder.thumbHolder.goodToGo == 110) {
	if (thumb3MainHolder.thumbHolder.goodToGo == 110) {
	if (thumb4MainHolder.thumbHolder.goodToGo == 110) {
	if (thumb5MainHolder.thumbHolder.goodToGo == 110) {
	if (thumb6MainHolder.thumbHolder.goodToGo == 110) {

what happens now is that once t>=duration1, the other remaining thumbs don’t tween in scale.

I can see the problem, but cannot figure out how to amend the function scaleUp so that it treats the var t independently for each placeholder.

Any ideas?

please let me know also if there is a better way to achieve this result while keeping the freedom of penner’s functions.

the actual penner function goes like this:

// quintic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
Math.easeOutQuint = function(t, b, c, d) {
	return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t*t+1)+b;

to get some idea of how it would look, check out and click inside any of the collections.
