Resize image when opeing a page

hello, I was wondering how to resize the window my site is in when a user goes it it. Like, make it as big as I need and make it unresizeable and without toolbars ect. I know how to do it with a popup. But no idea here :S


search here and for chromeless and/or borderless windows. also searh fullsize and resize to find the answers you are looking for. In other words, these questions have been asked before. :slight_smile: Do some research, make an attempt, then come back and ask questions about the parts you don’t understand.


But please… don’t do that? It’s really very annoying.

You mean the fullsize thing? Yeah, I agree - nothing worse when I’m trying to be discreet at work to have a full size window explode on my monitor and not allow me to resize it. I close them immediately. :-/

Yeah, exactly. I’d rather the designer let me resize the page if I want it to look good. I don’t like it when my perfectly sized window gets maximized. :frowning:

no I dont want full size… I just want my window about 650px x 500px when you open it. :smiley: I HATE FULLSIZE

But either way, you’re resizing it. Personally, I resize my windows so that they’re all perfectly tiled on the screen and I can see everything at once. On Windows, there’s no automatic way to do that. So when someone resizes my browser window to 1024x768 or 650x500 or whatever, I have to do it all over again. Sure, it only takes a minute or so, but I can guarantee I’ll leave the site and never come back.

so you think resizing windows = bad? if the site does it auto and stuff… yea that is a problem though with having to resize it back and all… - Are there alternatives?

Well yeah personally I think it’s bad… but I really don’t know any alternatives, other than designing your site to work in most common sizes… You could always put it in a popup and just make a splash page that links to it or something.

Yea, thats another thought im having… adding a splash page

I don’t understand why you can’t just have a splash screen… and either on click it opens a pop up window or on entering the page it makes a pop up. Which you can restrict weither there is a scrollbar, status, resize… etc.