Let’s say I have the following code:
function resizeDisplay(event:Event):void {
box.width = stage.stageWidth;
box.height = 40;
function boxanim():void {
Tweener.addTween(box, {width:stage.stageWidth, height:1, x:0, y:0, transition:"Bounce", delay:0, time:0.5, onComplete:boxanim2});
function boxanim2():void {
Tweener.addTween(box, {width:stage.stageWidth, height:40, x:0, y:0, transition:"Bounce", delay:0.2, time:0.5});
Everything works fine but if I resize the window 2 or 3 times (very fast) during the tweens animation, my second tween (boxanim2) will fill only half of the stage width.
How can I solve the problem? I want the resize function to work well during anytime of the tween animation.