I’m very, very new in Flash AS3 and currently, I’m having a problem on how to resize my external swf. My parent swf is in landscape mode and my child swf is in portrait mode. I want the output of the child swf to be in its original portrait mode when clicked (yeah…i have a button to load the child swf).
This is my code that I used to load my child swf. The load and the alignment was all a huge success but not the portrait mode. How can I alter my code so that it works?
var page:Loader = new Loader();
startproject.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
function onClick(myEvent:MouseEvent):void
var pageRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("main.swf");
var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false,new ApplicationDomain());
page.x = 150;
page.y = 0;
page.addEventListener('killMe', killLoadedClip);
function killLoadedClip(event:Event):void
event.target.removeEventListener('killMe', killLoadedClip)
I’ve tried everything but I don’t know. Need help, please. Thank yoy