Resizing external swf


I’m very, very new in Flash AS3 and currently, I’m having a problem on how to resize my external swf. My parent swf is in landscape mode and my child swf is in portrait mode. I want the output of the child swf to be in its original portrait mode when clicked (yeah…i have a button to load the child swf).

This is my code that I used to load my child swf. The load and the alignment was all a huge success but not the portrait mode. How can I alter my code so that it works?

var page:Loader = new Loader(); 
startproject.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
 function onClick(myEvent:MouseEvent):void
 var pageRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("main.swf");
 var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false,new ApplicationDomain());
 page.x = 150;
 page.y = 0;
 page.addEventListener('killMe', killLoadedClip); 

function killLoadedClip(event:Event):void
 {'killMe', killLoadedClip) 

I’ve tried everything but I don’t know. Need help, please. Thank yoy

How is the child SWF programmed? If it contains logic that positions things based on the stage dimensions, then you’re going to have trouble inserting it in a landscape SWF without modification.