Resources for learning Design Patterns?

Hey folks,

I’ve been programming with AS3 – 90% self taught (mostly via kirupa) – for the past two years in the context of my technical training job, primarily building self-paced tutorials and modules using animations that enhance learning.

I was just offered a freelance job doing this kind of stuff by someone consulting for my firm.

I would like to take this job, since it’s the closest thing I can imagine to “doing what I love for a living” (with the exception of being a concert guitarist but hey, a man’s gotta know his limits). However, the fact is I don’t have a realistic idea how well I’d do out there in the real world.

Although my code gets the job done, I have no doubt it would cause many of you to stifle a snicker. Or not stifle it. Or break out in hives.

I believe I need to formalize my approach by learning Design Patterns. I have a decent foundation of OOP, being immersed in it and all.

Any good online or print resources for learning Design Patterns? I already have Advanced ActionScript 3 with Design Patterns (Lott, Patterson) but this book is too technical for me to access right now. I’m looking for a more basic introduction, hopefully with some accompanying simple real-world examples.

Also, it would probably be very useful to get links to files/projects by folks on kirupa, saying “this is an example of thus-and-such a design pattern because…”
