Hi. I am making a menu with 5 pictures in one movie clip and I have a mc of a line ( all on frame 1) and it’s code is:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.menu) {
diff = (this._x-_root._xmouse)/10;
_root.menu._x = _root.menu._x +diff;
but I want to make another movie clip in the shape of a rectangle and I want the menu only to slide if the mouse position changes in the rectangle. so I don’t want the picture mc to move if the mouse isn’t changing positions in the rectangle; it should just stay put. please help me boyies. thanks _root.brian
thanks David. I can only get the menu to go to the left though.
either way I move the mouse it goes to the left and the speed is not consistent to the speed the mouse moves. please help a boy once more. thanks a bunch - brazil