Ok, how do I make it so that the an object only follows your mouse between certain points? I have a square with the code
startDrag("", true). Then I put an if then statement saying…
if(this._x <=200){
startDrag("", false)
I figured this would do the job pretty easily, but it does not. Any ideas? Thanx
Ok, we are gonna have to change things up a little. We are gonna use the same idea, but try to make it run more smoother. This is what I need you guys to help me with.
I am typing this at school, so I dont really remember all the proper names for the coding…
Would that work? I cant try it b/c I am at school, but maybe one of you fellas can figure this out. If that does not work, will you please see if you can get me pointed in the right direction? Also, I do not understand how hitTest works, so if you could explain that also I would appreciate it.
can someone make a MC of a square or somthing, and see if they can get this code to work. I just want the square to follow the mouse as long as the mouse is bettween x coordinates of 300 and 600, and y coordinates of 200 and 400. This is driving me insane!