I’m currently working with a couple of highly skilled Flash Developers seeking full time opportunities. A brief summary of each developer can be seen below. If anyone would like to see their resumes, please contact me. Please no recruiters. Principals only.
KR, Sr. Flex Developer
Currently resides in Albany, but open to relocation anywhere
Resume available on request
Asking 120k
JR, Sr. Flash/AS3 Developer
West coast resident seeking 100% telecommute job: full time w/benefits
Resume available on request
Asking 105k
Thank you,
Beau J. Gould
Open Source Staffing
beau at open-source-staffing.com
KEYWORDS: Flash 8, Flash 9, ActionScript, ActionScripting, Action Script, AS1, AS2, AS3, Flex, Flex 2, Flex 3, Adobe Flex Builder 3, Flex Builder 3, Flex 3 SDK, Flex lite, Flexlite, Flash Media Server, Flash Remoting, Flash Video, Flash Game, AMFPHP, OpenAMF, AIR, BlazeDS, Director, Lingo, ACID, Sound Forge, Toast, Quicktime, After Effects, PhotoShop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Javascript, Lingo, PHP, AJAX, ASP, MySQL, Visual Basic, XML, MXML, HTML, CSS, OOP, Rich Internet Application, RIA