RESUME: Senior Flash Developer, Los Angeles

I’m currently representing a very, very nice Senior Flash Developer with all the desired trimmings for the LA area (for full time opportunities).

If you would like to get a look at his resume, shoot me an email.

Thank you,
Beau J. Gould

Open Source Staffing

Skill set: HTML, XHTML / CSS, CSS-2, CSS-P, JavaScript, XML / XSL, ASP / .NET, JSP / J2EE / Struts, Flash MX, 2004, 8, Flex / Flex2 / OpenLaszlo, ActionScript / AS2.0 / AS3, Eclipse / IBM Rational 6, CVS / SourceSafe, SQL / Database Design / Data Modeling, OOP / OOD, HTTP / FTP, Photoshop / Illustrator / InDesign / QuarkXpress, CMYK / 4-Color Process / PANTONE, LAN / SAN / WAN / Wireless, DOS / Windows 3.x, 9X, NT, XP, MAC OS 8 / 9 / X, Microsoft VISIO, Project, Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Publisher
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