thats right people, my footer will be changing soon(ish) so before it goes forever I thought I’d reveal to those of you still interested what its illusive secret is (I know its been keeping a few of you awake at night for some time now)…
but first, well done to (in chronological order):
for working it out, gold stars to all of you. Oh and I’m pretty sure Saad got it too but never made it official by sending me a pm
and for those who didn’t:
har har, just remember begging will get you nowhere (except named and shamed in this thread ;P)
some of you found the hint that if you roll over the letter F in the word ‘FOOTER’ it reveals ‘Many footers make light work’ which refers to the fact that if you can see more than one instance of the footer at any time it makes it much more easy to work out, although I don’t think this hint did anything but make people more confused…
mmmm yeah, a multiplayer game of somekind would be sweet…
I’ve got to figure out how to make it work though, a few footers ago I had a mini chat as my footer but during its whole run there was only about two occasions when more than one person was logged into it so a multiplayer game wouldn’t work unless I can get people to log into it
maybe if a player could send out a game request to anyone viewing the footer that evokes a big flashing messaage saying ‘such and such is challenging you to a game’ even if the person viewing the footer isn’t logged on…
It’ll be tricky keeping it within the filesize limit too… hmmm scratches head