Hey everyone,
I have decided to demod reverendflash. In my view (and the views expressed by others), his behavior has become increasingly erratic especially in trying to defuse tricky situations. He was starting to become a negative influence on the forums, and I believe that it would be best if he were removed from the mod position.
Now everyone here knows Rev and I developed a good friendship. However, I have to agree with this decision. Revs actions lately have become that of Phil. I feel he was taking his personal frustrations out on the forum, and that was unacceptable.
I don’t know what is going on in his head, but I sure hope he fixes it soon because he used to be a real good person.
I never had much of a problem with Rev. I think the whole thing with Unlflux was not cool. Basically Rev didn’t like the fact that Unflux was drumming up business from his footer, and that carried over onto the thread where Rev tryed to rip Fluxy a new *******.
I thought he was acting a lot more like Phil as time went on - I dont know what happend either, it just started one day.
Its probably for the best and have to agree with you Kirupa. His whole thing with UNFLUX’s footer seemed to be blown out of proportion, and then with EthanM asking to know more aobut Jenny (I htink that was the user) being blown out of proportion - he just seemed to be more of a harm to the community rather than a contribution. I had never had a problem with Rev but have noticed things like that in the past few weeks.
One more thing: I seriously hope that you guys will tell him all that, because if I didn’t see it coming, I’m pretty sure he didn’t either. Playing nice when he’s here and then saying “phwew, glad he’s out” in his back doesn’t sound fair to me.
I’m not sure how rev never saw this coming. He has had an argument with most members or mods here. The list of individuals who rev has ticked off over the past 6 months is impressive