Not sure where to post this since there is no category for just flash in general. So I’ll just post it here since AS3 is the most updated version of the framework.
I was wondering. I mean I’ve used flash for a while, but I have never understood why they disabled right click. I read on some random site that it was because there are one button mouses. But then how do they even see the context menu? I mean if someone is making a flash game and wanted other mouse buttons to work, why doesn’t adobe let them? For instance, you can’t detect a middle mouse button. I understand that some people don’t have them but if you are targeting an audience with a mouse that has those then what’s the harm?
Does someone have any information about this? I mean I understand that adobe wants to put their information on their product, but all it does is take you to:
I mean that’s great and all, but it’s pointless. Then another thing is the settings. That should honestly be handled differently. Like through an interface on a person’s computer. I mean if someone wants to use the context menu then it has it’s usefulness, but if someone wants to make a professional flash program online with a graphically customized right click menu then it seems a lot smarter to allow all mouse button events. I mean even 5 button mouse events.
Something like this would open up more choices (especially for games with input binding).
Maybe senocular knows the exact reason… It just seems that as flash progresses more and more that these things should be unlocked to the developer to make their own choice.
What do you guys think?
question too, was there a way in AS2 to detect right mouse down? My brother (templarian) said there was, but his information is rather unreliable.
Another idea is to find a javascript or something function to reroute mouse events on a page to the program. (still no way to disable the right click menu though… legally preferably).
//edit… Okay so the best idea I have is to reroute all info from a webpage to the flash object. This means that there is an invisible layer over the flash. I’m gonna try to implement this. Is it even possible? I have no idea, but I’ll try and find out.
ah like this:
won’t be long now. I will be able to right click and stuff.