Here is my little contribution after some time…
First thanks Senocular for this transition… I made some modifications to the code to be able to load external images.
Works fine, but i didn’t finish to load the first image, if someone would like to contribute… feel free…
import flash.display.BitmapData;
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;
//declare image and description as array
image = [];
description = [];
total = xmlNode.childNodes.length;
for (i=0; i<total; i++) {
//image* will store value from the inner tag <image>XXXX</image>
image* = xmlNode.childNodes*.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
//description* will store value from the inner tag <caption>XXXX</caption>
description* = xmlNode.childNodes*.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
} else {
content.text = “file not loaded!”;
xmlAlbum = new XML();
xmlAlbum.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlAlbum.onLoad = loadXML;
Stage.scaleMode = ‘noScale’;
var speed = 25;
var rate = 5;
var focallength = 250;
var maxheight = 100;
var origin = new flash.geom.Point(320, 480);
var blurfilter = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(0,0,1);
var shadowfilter = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(0,45,0x0, .20, 0,0, 1, 1, false,false,false);
var raisedepth = 0;
var imagesindex = 0;
var basepoint = new flash.geom.Point(0,0);
var transbmp = new flash.display.BitmapData(640,480);
var transclips;
function firstImage() {
var primeira = true;
function onMouseDown(){
loadTransBitmap( getNextImage() );
startTransition(clips, transbmp, speed, delay);
function getNextImage(){
p %= image.length;
return image[p];
var clips = createGrid(this, 1, transbmp, 10, 10);
function loadTransBitmap(id){
// create an empty movie clip to load the image into
this.createEmptyMovieClip(“holder_img”, this.getNextHighestDepth());
// create the movie clip loader and movie clip loader listener objects
var mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var mcll:Object = new Object();
// when the image finishes loading
mcll.onLoadInit = function (mc:MovieClip) {
// create another empty movie clip to attach the bitmap to (duplicate of the image)
var temp_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("bmd_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
// create the BitmapData Object
// the BitmapData object has the same width and height as the original image
var tempbmp:BitmapData = new BitmapData (mc._width, mc._height);
// copy/duplicate the content of a movie clip
transbmp.copyPixels(tempbmp, tempbmp.rectangle, basepoint);
if (primeira = true) {
var banana = createGrid(_root, this.getNextHighestDepth(), transbmp, 10, 10);
primeira = false;
// load the image, add the listener
mcl.loadClip(id, holder_img);
function createGrid(target, targdepth, sourcebmp, cols, rows){
target.createEmptyMovieClip(“transition_mc”, targdepth);
target.transition_mc.createEmptyMovieClip(“reveal_ mc”, 0);
var grid = target.transition_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("grid_mc ", 1);
var col, row;
var refRect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0,0,0,0);
var clips = new Array();
clips.reveal = target.transition_mc.reveal_mc;
clips.reveal.bitmap = sourcebmp.clone();
clips.reveal.attachBitmap(clips.reveal.bitmap, 1);
var mc;
var depth = 0;
for (col = 0; col < cols; col++){
refRect.top = 0;
refRect.left = refRect.right;
for (row = 0; row < rows; row++){
refRect.right = Math.round(sourcebmp.width * (col+1)/cols);
refRect.bottom = Math.round(sourcebmp.height * (row+1)/rows);
mc = grid.createEmptyMovieClip("grid"+row+"_"+col, depth);
mc.depth = depth;
mc.rect = refRect.clone();
mc._x = mc.rect.left;
mc._y = mc.rect.top;
mc.x = mc.rect.left;
mc.y = mc.rect.top;
mc.elevation = 0;
mc.bitmap = new flash.display.BitmapData(mc.rect.width, mc.rect.height, true, 0);
mc.bitmap.copyPixels(sourcebmp, mc.rect, basepoint);
mc.attachBitmap(mc.bitmap, 1);
refRect.top = refRect.bottom;
return clips;
function startTransition(clips, transbmp, speed, delay){
transclips = clips.slice();
raisedepth = 2*transclips.length;
onEnterFrame = transOnEnterFrame;
function transOnEnterFrame(){
var i = rate;
var rand, clip;
while(i–) {
rand = Math.floor(Math.random()*transclips.length);
clip = transclips.splice(rand,1)[0];
clip.onEnterFrame = transClipOnEnterFrame;
if (!transclips.length){
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function transClipOnEnterFrame(){
this.elevation += speed;
if (this.elevation > maxheight){
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function resetClip(mc){
mc.elevation = 0;
mc.x = mc.rect.left;
mc.y = mc.rect.top;
mc.bitmap.copyPixels(clips.reveal.bitmap, mc.rect, basepoint);
function renderClip(mc){
var scaleratio = focallength/(focallength - mc.elevation);
mc._x = origin.x + (mc.x - origin.x)*scaleratio;
mc._y = origin.y + (mc.y - origin.y)*scaleratio;
mc._xscale = 100*scaleratio;
mc._yscale = 100*scaleratio;
blurfilter.blurX = blurfilter.blurY = Math.floor(mc.elevation/10);
shadowfilter.distance = mc.elevation;
mc.filters = [shadowfilter, blurfilter];