Rollout causing GotoAndPlay inside an MC

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica][size=2]Hi there

I have a button, which when rolled over performs an animation, however, i am having trouble getting the rollout function to work:

From root the path to the frames that i want to play is:

Root > nav_block (graphic) > btnHome (Button) > [on the “Down” keyframe of btnHome"] mcHome_over (MC)

The timeline for mcHome_over contains the animation of the button when rolled over, then the stop(); action, and then a separate section starting on frame 10 which contains the animation for the RollOut action.

What i am stuck on, is the bit of actionscript for btnHome which tells flash to GotoAndPlay frame 10 of mcHome_over.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance
Roggo [/size][/font]
