Rollover buttons embedded in MC do not work

Hi guys,

I was hoping to have some help here after I have tried looking for a solution for this issue and many of them come close but do not accurately apply to my situation. I have several roll over invisible buttons as well as their corresponding mc buttons embedded in a mc, lets call parent_mc. The roll over function not only stops working, but the animation of the corresponding movieclip buttons now keeps looping even without a rollover triggering it.

Is this just a simple case of disabling the parent movieclip? If so I am not sure how so.

All buttons work fine before embedding them in a parent movieclip. I believe it is not too complex of a problem for you guys as im a newbie. Very much appreciate the feedback![/QUOTE]

Not sure if this will help but I will provide the source code:
AS on main timeline defining the action of the roll over animation buttons:

_root.btn1.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (mouse_over_cube1) {
} else {

_root.btn2.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (mouse_over_cube2) {
} else {

_root.btn3.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (mouse_over_cube3) {
} else {

AS of a invisible button:
on (rollOver) {

_root.mouse_over_cube3 = true;

on (rollOut) {
_root.mouse_over_cube3 = fstartlse;

on (release){