Hi, I’ve been trying to sort this for hours, but just can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong … I’m trying to write a function that attaches a mc with info to the mc i’m rolling over. So bookText_mc would be attached to book_mc, phoneText_mc to phone_mc etc … I’ve got this so far:
function infoTextOver(info_mc:MovieClip) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
info_mc._alpha += (100-info_mc._alpha)/4;
info_mc._x = _xmouse;
info_mc._y = _ymouse;
function infoTextOut(info_mc:MovieClip) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
info_mc._alpha += (0-info_mc._alpha)/4;
if (info_mc._alpha == 0) {
button_mc.onRollOver = infoTextOver(buttonText_mc);
button_mc.onRollOut = infoTextOut(buttonText_mc);
I know its something to do with the parameter of the function but not sure what … any help would be awesome.