Is there a handler for a Movie Clip that works like “rollOver” for a button? I have a button, that when released, needs to maintain its “down” state. If there’s a way to do this with a button that would be great. Otherwise, I can change the button to a movieclip and use “gotoAndStop” commands. If I do that, I don’t know how to cause the movieclip to advance from the first frame to the second frame when the user hovers over the movieclip on the main stage. Here’s the code I have in the actual movieclip (called to the stage via AS):
this.rollOver = function(){
this.rollOut = function(){
this.onPress = function(){
When I preview my movie, the movieclip is called successfully and stops at frame 1 of the movie. If I rollover or rollout nothing happens. If I press the movieclip, it advances to frame 3 of the movie. Any suggestions would be great!