RollOver/RollOut Button Effects

Hello everyone

I am having some problems with one of the tutorials on this website.

I have had a nose at the tutorial and I was hoping I could modify the buttons.

I have placed five seperate buttons onto the stage and would like each one to go to a different place.

I have removed the line and replaced it will code saying onreleasegotoandstop (5) on the assumption it will go to frame number 5, but I am not sure if this will simply go to frame five in the button movie or in the main scene movie.

However when I published the movie I was told that the action I wrote in could only be applied to buttons and I believe the button is a movie clip and not a button.

I would post up my Flash File but I have not worked out yet how to upload stuff to the website yet.

Thanking everyone in advance for their help.

P.S. this is my first post and I am not that proficient at Flash so if this is a very simple problem then I apologise.


thebutton.onRelease = function(){

Ta for the quick response however I am probably being very stupid, do I replace the current line with the code you have given me or do I place it on the scene into which I have placed the button?