I have picked up a site that has a lot of javascript in it but which is quite old. I am not an expert by any means…
Anyway, I have got it working on my local apache server, and on my linux web space. You can view it here if you want to. http://www.ee-web.co.uk/stomp/stompschool/index2.htm and press students. A user rolls over some grpahics, and some text appears. The text is pulled from a database (as is most of the site, which works so its not the config file)
Anyway, on my server all. Rollover the images and you’ll see an alert pop up with some html in it.
However, on the server where the real pages sit it comes up undefined. The real thing is at [COLOR=#810081]http://www.stompschool.com/index2.htm[/COLOR] it tells me that something is undefined (I think its the array which holds the html)
Here’s some of the code - its old…
$txt1 = new page_object;
$txt2 = new page_object;
var Text = new Array();
Text[0]=["Me Email","Click here to send me an email "]
Text[1]=["<center><?=$txt1->page_field('title')?></center> ","<center><?=str_replace(array("
", "\r"), '', $txt1->page_field('html_content'))?></center>"]
Text[2]=["<center><?=$txt2->page_field('title')?></center> ","<center><?=str_replace(array("
", "\r"), '', $txt2->page_field('html_content'))?></center>"]
and then later
<div id="rollOverImagesHolder">
<a onmouseover=stm(Text[4],Style[10]) onmouseout=htm()><img class="shoes" src="images/uniform_eeweb.gif" width="124" height="84" /></a>
<a onmouseover="stm(Text[5],Style[10])" onmouseout="htm()"><img class="topdancer" src="images/topdancer_eeweb.gif" /></a>
I am really stuck - I don’t want to re-write the whole thing, but if anyone could tell me why its working on my server but not on the final resting place I’d be realloy grateful … am of course happy to supply any more info