Im new to actionscripts, basically, I just copy those scripts I found on tutorials and over the Internet.
I got a prblem with my site, if you hover on the SHORTCUTS button on the upper left corner, then you hover on the menu it pops, it exists…got confused already…I badly need some help
PS: is really generous enough to share those FLAs
Allright from what I can see… You are going to have to create another argument inside of the one argument you might already have…
When you rollOver the button on the top it opens it up… well instead of having that… Why not make it where they have to click it once to open it… Then click it again to close it… Might save some time and it would produce a cool effect for that… It would also make your life a tad biteasier
Thanks for the replies guys! Well, what i did was on the first MC i placed
on (rollOver) {
on the second MC, the one with the MENU, i placed an INVISIBLE BUTTON over the actual buttons, everything is cool, but when i started to interchange the layers, (INVISIBLE BUTTON under the BUTTONS), that happens. The movie exits =)
my INVISIBLE BUTTON has this action
on (rollOout) {
My final site has it, but I did not put the BUTTONS on that movie kuz Im still trying to figure it out!! visit