Rotate is offset

Hey kirupa! Im making a game where the player follows the mouse and shoots towards it. But I realized the laser-thing didnt seem to be coming straight from the player. So I added a line going strait up and down on the player movie clip, and it seems that the rotate code is slightly offset. Can you help?

function moveball(event:Event):void
	var theX:int = mouseX - map_mc.player_mc.x;
	var theY:int = (mouseY - map_mc.player_mc.y) * -1;
	var angle = Math.atan(theY/theX)/(Math.PI/180);
	if (theX < 0)
		angle +=  180;
	if (theX >= 0 && theY < 0)
		angle +=  360;
	map_mc.player_mc.rotation = (angle*-1) + 90;