I have 2 movieclips, lets call it MCa, and MCb.
I want MCb to rotate in the oposite direction as MCa, so that MCb is ALWAYS facing MCa.
How might I go about doing that?
This code here is for the MCa, so that MCa rotates, always looking at the mouse, I want to same logic applied to MCb, except instead of the mouse its always looking at MCa. Iv tried just renaming the variables, so instead of using the mouse x/y loc, I used MCa x/y loc, but nothing happened.
// find x and y differences
disx = _root._xmouse-_x;
disy = _root._ymouse-_y;
// calculate the angle
Radians = Math.atan2(disy, disx);
// convert to degrees and set rotation
Degrees = 360*Radians/(2*Math.PI) + 50;
_rotation = Degrees + 50;