"rotating" with pre-rendered frames

I’m trying to make an animation of a rotating building. I have 64 pre-rendered frames in a movie clip, representing a building seen from all angles.

I made a try-out with my own head and 16 frames. Now I want to be able to rotate it, by going left or right with my mouse down. On mouse up it has to ease-out and stop rotating.

frustrating but it just doesn’t work
any help welcome

code (frame 1):

//dragging = false;
factor = 0.5;
//factor is de factor waarmee het gebouw terug vertraagt
x = _xmouse;
//x is de plaats van de muis op het moment dat je klikt
cruz = 0;
speed = cruz;
//cruz is de kruissnelheid en beginsnelheid waarmee het gebouw draait
function cruise() {
	if (speed>(2*cruz+0.1)) {
		speed = speed*factor;
	} else {
//		speed = 0;
	if (speed>0){
		f = Math.ceil(tuur._currentframe+speed);
	if (speed<0){
		f = Math.floor(tuur._currentframe+speed);
	if (f>16) {
		f -= 16;
	if (f<1) {
		f += 16;
function controle() {
	speed = (_xmouse-x)/100;
//	speed = -.5;
	if (speed>0){
		f = Math.ceil(tuur._currentframe+speed);
	if (speed<0){
		f = Math.floor(tuur._currentframe+speed);
	if (f>16) {
		f -= 16;
	if (f<1) {
		f += 16;

and the movieclip (tuur):

	_root.x = _xmouse 
	co = setInterval(_root.controle,40)

	cr = setInterval(_root.cruise,40)