I’ve searched a few flash sites that came up in google searches, I’ve looked around here for anything that might help, I’ve done a search of the forum for my question, but nothing posted so far answers it. If this IS answered somewhere on the site, and i somehow missed it, I apologize in advance.
I drew a car. I made a wheel that was a movie clip symbol. I want all instances of the wheel to rotate continuously, but I can’t figure out how to do it.
I’m VERY new to flash animation. I’ve been going to Newgrounds for years, but I’ve never tried using flash to make anything until a week ago. I’ve got no grasp on using actionscript, and I barely ahve the UI and tweening down. I’ve tried messing with different things, but nothing works.
The first thing I tried was editing the movie clip. I put a keyframe in frame 5. I tweened the wheel rotating 360 degrees by the 5th frame. Then I put an actionscript in frame 5 that said “goto frame 1 and play”
I assumed that would make it loop over and over again, but it just stopped at frame 5. Maybe it’s something obvious, or tha fact that I’m new, but I don’t see what I’m doing wrong.