Rotting Sephia

Well it has been a while since anyone posted any work in here besides pixel stuff… so I will go off on a limb and post a different kind of pic that isn’t pixel art.

Anywho… this isn’t completed yet (still have ideas a brewing), but I am posting it anyway for some reason.


Let me know what you think.

Hey that is pretty ■■■■ cool. I like very much. I like art like this kinda collagish. Yet kinda grunge…Thumbs up man. I cannot imagine me doing pixel art. I am going to be post a gang of vector stuff over the next few days.

very cool! i am working on my KV subbision right now, but i really need to get back into just working on images, i jsut cant think straight. but maybe that would be good. just put whats in my head on the comp. but hten again that might not be a good idea, it would be just so much abstract. i am afriaid to touch my wacom for that same reason right there, :-\ . maybe i will. after all, the night is young.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Pixel art is fun, but time consuming. I still have to finish my pixel apartment, but I am getting back to that in a few days :slight_smile:

CooL! I have no idea what that is but it’s cool! I like it… for some reason! :-\ :)=)

LOL, well it really isn’t anything yet, I have ideas in my head to make it something, but if I can’t get it to work out… then I will figure something out, it will just be incredibly abstract :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice montage, I like the composition, I likes. =)


Thanks :beam:

I’m kinda mixed on this one, lost…

I’ll reserve my final opinion for when you are finished.


I love this almost grungeish look. Great job Lost and can’t wait to see it when it’s finished!


I think it’s cool - in paticular the eye staring out at you. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I’m kinda mixed on this one, lost…

I’ll reserve my final opinion for when you are finished.**

I feel the same way… cant wait to see the finished product.
