RPG gun hittests!?

hi everybody, i am making a little RPG game, like so many others, i have the basic engine goin on and i need some help on a few things.

  1. the bullets from the gun kill the NPCs but i have done it in such a way that each NPC has a seperate hit test. this works nice but it is not very practical as i want to attach NPCs at random throughut the game and i cann not write a hit test for all of them. what i would like to be able to do is put the hit test in the NPC to test against the bullet so that any bullet can hit any NPC. im sure this is possible but i cant figure it out. Also hit tests for the buildings would be nice.

  2. some other basic RPG things that need doing like moving the player to another screen and back again when he walks off the edge. i tihnk i know how to do this, by telling the background mc to goto another frame and then shifting the player character to the other side of the stage, but i have not managed to implement this yet.

if anyone can help i would apreciate it soo much.

PS. i have linked the fla so you are welcome to use any code for your own projects if you need to, i got it mostly from tutorials anyway.


game fla. flash 8

to play use the arrow keys to move around, the mouse to shoot, and when you are standing close to a NPC press hold space to kill them.