RPG Map Editor

I was following a tutorial on kirupa (http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/rpgprogramming.htm) and I tryed to make a map editor for my game like the one shown in the tutorial, but I cannot get it to work. Could someone help me please?

.fla - http://www.dgaming.co.uk/_files/flash/dev_games/MapMakingTool.fla
.as - http://www.dgaming.co.uk/_files/flash/dev_games/MapEditorArray.as



be patient and double check your coding you havnt even had this up a day give it time.

If you can wait until tomorrow I may find the time to take a look. I have some map/level editors I made myself, so we’ll probably be able to fix it together. :slight_smile:

By the way, depending on how the input for your game is formatted, you could use already existing map editors, like MapWin, which can load a tile set, let you edit the map and export it as an array.

[quote=Ant59;2336500]I was following a tutorial on kirupa (http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/rpgprogramming.htm) and I tryed to make a map editor for my game like the one shown in the tutorial, but I cannot get it to work. Could someone help me please?

.fla - http://www.dgaming.co.uk/_files/flash/dev_games/MapMakingTool.fla
.as - http://www.dgaming.co.uk/_files/flash/dev_games/MapEditorArray.as[/quote]

Hey… I recognize that tutorial…
To be honest, I don’t know if it works with the latest version of Flash, I haven’t actually looked at any of that code in a long time… It might be best to take it off the site altogether… :frowning:

By the way, I didn’t have the time, as you probably already noticed… :slight_smile: