RPSearch and Qcksearch?

Anyone have these services taking over their browser? Cause whenever I type in an incorrect url, or just in general, it goes to the rpsearch and qcksearch site, and its really making me mad.

Anyone know how to get rid of these?

NO and i want to know how to, its bloody annoying!!! what are these and how did i get them? Red: do you regularly update your windows , maybe there was something in the updates?

i get updates regularly (im on xp) but its annoying as heck. cause if it takes too long to go to a site, it just goes there. and its pis2ing me off. argh. i think i just better re-format. this thng is killing me.

yeah same, ive got xp as well, and i regularly download windows updates, its probably part of that .net stuff in the downloads. :angry: annoying!

i dont think it has anything to do with microsoft. i think its an outside company that hijacted our error pages. becasue if i go anywhere else (diff computers) they all get the “cannot find” page, that I want

im gonna look around and see what i can find. and reply back with my findings.

kool, hope you can find a fix :slight_smile: