Rss reader problem

Hello all. I seem to be having a little problem with my rss reader. So far everything i needed it to do it does excpt 1 thing. i can not get the first item to deiplay by default.

heres my doce

//lb = list box component
//ta = text area component
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
lb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, itemChange);
function itemChange (e:Event):void
 ta_txt.htmlText =;
var xml:XML;
function onLoaded (e:Event):void
lb.selectedItem= 0;
lb.selectedIndex = 0;
ta_txt.htmlText = xml.item[lb.selectedIndex].description;
 xml = new XML(;
 var il:XMLList = xml.item;
 for (var i:uint=0; i<il.length(); i++)
  lb.addItem ({data:il.description.text()*,
loader.load (new URLRequest(""));
view_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, viewOnline);
function viewOnline(event:MouseEvent):void
 navigateToURL(new URLRequest(xml.item[lb.selectedIndex].link));

any one have an idea of how i can accive this?

– just figured it out fix is in the edeit Thanks again guys

Here’s the first thing that I noticed.

ta_txt.htmlText = xml.item[lb.selectedIndex].description;
 xml = new XML(;

You’re assigning the htmlText of your text field before you declared what “xml” is. I’m surprised it’s not throwing an error because of that. If it’s really that simple of a problem, then you should be able to just swap those two lines and have it working for you.

Also, I’d set the selectedItem/Index of your list box AFTER you’ve filled it with all of the items. So maybe move around the lines in your complete handler to this:

function onLoaded (e:Event):void
      xml = new XML(;
      var il:XMLList = xml.item;

      for (var i:uint=0; i<il.length(); i++)
            lb.addItem ({data:il.description.text()*, label:il.title.text()*});
      lb.selectedItem= 0;
      lb.selectedIndex = 0;
      ta_txt.htmlText = xml.item[lb.selectedIndex].description;


Just a hunch after a quick glance. Hope it helps!

Thanks for the help thats what i wound up doing. I took a breather and came back 5 mins later and i saw the answer clear as day. It was as simple as moving lines around just as you said.

Thanks again

Glad to hear it’s working for you. :slight_smile: Happy to help.