Same-domain image security issue

I have a flash file sitting inside of a web page in our company domain. There is another server (used to store images) that is part of the domain but is not running any web services (for security reasons). A folder on the images server is however shared in such a way that any site on the web server can display images from the images server as long as the user is plugged into the domain. For example, both I and my boss can pull up a web site on the web server and see all the information, but only he can see the images
because I have Vista Basic and no domain support.

This is done via “<img src=’\serverName\directory…’ />”

That’s ok, but on this particular instance I don’t want to display the image on the webpage, I want it in a SWF on the page. However the SWF can’t seem to load the images even though the page it’s sitting in could. I’ve tried tons of variations of URLRequests and Loaders, most resulting in security errors. Since most of the online discussions about these errors revolve around cross-domain access, I can’t seem to find any tech support for our specific situation. Does anyone have any clue if what I want to do is possible? Thanks for your time!