edit…SORTED…AT LAST…here’s the problem fixer…if anyone else has this problem of testing between a movie on their pc and an external swf on another domain…
System.security.allowInsecureDomain( “www.mysite.com” );
drop this in frame one…hey presto…
thanks all for your help…
the bungra
hello all…and thanks to everyone who has helped me so far…
o.k. i’ve managed to work out that because of flash player 7 i can’t talk to my test movie from an external swf on my server…
that means that the _root.gotoAndPlay(xx) and _level0.gotoAndPlay(xx)command is now working…but it forwards to a blank screen…i presume that it is letting the external swf take over …which is just an mp3 and some action script…so no image.
Can someone tell me if this is a common problem…or if there is a way to work it out ???
In the end I need this external swf to change the frame number on the main movie…
thanks all.